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What is the value of 'kindness' worth ?

from our Executive Head Teacher
At Gorse Ride Schools, we aim to provide a broad, all-round education of which pastoral care, excellent teaching and a strong emphasis on core values are essential components.
We are a vibrant, federated Nursery, Infant and Junior School with an environment designed to encourage every child, or all ages and abilities, to achieve their maximum potential. The Infant School was inspected by Ofsted In November 2019 and the Junior School was inspected in April 2022 - both schools were rated as 'GOOD'.
As the Executive Head Teacher, I am fortunate to work with a team of staff and governors who are extremely dedicated and truly want the best for all the children at Gorse Ride Schools.
I trust that this website is a useful source of information for those of you who are already part of the Gorse Ride Schools community. For those of you who aren’t, I hope it gives you an indication of our strengths, values and ethos and gives you a good insight into our school life. If you are considering Gorse Ride Schools for your child we would strongly recommend that you make an appointment to visit us and see for yourself what makes our school stand out from the rest.
Eileen Rogers
Executive Head Teacher
Gorse Ride Schools
"Your team seemed wonderful. There was a real sense of joy and happiness in your classrooms - the children were engaged and chatty and every teacher welcomed us with big smiles. I work with schools up and down the country - and I can say, hand on heart, that is not always (maybe even rarely!) the case anymore. What was really nice is that the children knew you and had no difficulty engaging with you. You are clearly a head teacher that gets her hands dirty - I think that's amazing.
There was a genuine warmth in your school. Between the children and staff. Between the children and one another. And between the staff and you.
I just thought - after a long week - sometimes it's nice to hear some nice things about the often thankless work we do. Whatever you're doing is working. I could feel it"
written to the head teacher by a prospective parent January 2024