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Pupil Catch Up Funding

Pupil Catch Up Funding

The government has announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up. For Gorse Ride Schools, this means an additional £17, 520 for the Junior school and £11,200 for the Infant and Nursery school. This funding will focus specifically on offering targeted academic support to individuals, with Pupil Premium funding focusing on:


  • Teaching

  • Assessment and target support

  • Wider Support such as mental health and well-being, attendance


“Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are likely to have been more affected particularly severely by closures and may need more support to return to school and settle back into school life. Whilst all pupils will benefit from the EEF recommendations, it is likely that some forms of support will be particularly beneficial to disadvantaged.” (Covid-19 Support Guide for Schools – June 2020)

As a result of lockdown and school closure children from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be impacted the most. Evidence consistently shows the positive impact that targeted academic support can have for those pupils who are not making good progress – The EEF Guide to Good Planning. Gorse Ride Schools have the professional knowledge and expertise to ensure that our children recover and get back on track following this disruption to their education. 

Regardless of background or barriers to learning we are committed to providing the highest quality education to all our children through targeted academic and well-being support plans.  Tuition delivered by qualified teachers or teaching assistants who have been trained in specific approaches will have the highest impact. (EEF Covid-19 Support Guide for Schools – June 2020)

Please click on the link below to read our full statement.

Catch Up 
Gorse Ride Schools
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